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  DSC_3884.JPG - [de]Der Haupteingang der ehemaligen Zeche Zollverein in Essen strahlt Ordnung, Selbstbewusstsein und Macht aus: eine eigentlich sehr dreckige Kohlenförderanlage stellt man sich anders vor. Aber hier wurde "Big Business" gemacht: riesige Investitionen und riesige Gewinne. Hier arbeiteten fast 5.000 Leute. Die Fördermenge lag bei 3 Mio Tonnen im Jahr, und eine riesige Kokerei war direkt angeschlossen. Die Gebäude sind dem damaligen Zeitgeschmack entsprechend zwar zweckmäßig, jedoch auch architektonisch ansprechend gestaltet - die Klinkerfassaden haben keinerlei funktionelle Aufgabe. Nicht umsonst nannte man die Bergbau- und Montan-Anlagen auch "Kathedralen". Die Zeche wurde erst Ende der 80er Jahre stillgelegt - gerade mal vor 20 Jahren. Heute ist sie Weltkulturerbe und Museum - und ein Stück deutsche Geschichte.[en]The main entrance to the former mining estate represents order, sovereignty  and power. Big business was made here, giant investments and giant wins. At its best time middle of the last century more than 5,000 people used to work just here at  "Zollverein"  producing over 3 million tons of coal, and a coking plant was directly attached. The power of the mining companies indeed was represented by their buildings, which were called "cathedrals". - Now all this is history and was about to being forgotten: "Zollverein" was shut down in 1986, but thanks to public and private initiatives today it is an cultural event center, museum - and a World Heritage Site since 2001.  

 de | en  1 | The main entrance to the former mining estate represents order, sovereignty and power. Big business was made here, giant investments and giant wins. At its best time middle of the last century more than 5,000 people used to work just here at "Zollverein" producing over 3 million tons of coal, and a coking plant was directly attached. The power of the mining companies indeed was represented by their buildings, which were called "cathedrals". - Now all this is history and was about to being forgotten: "Zollverein" was shut down in 1986, but thanks to public and private initiatives today it is an cultural event center, museum - and a World Heritage Site since 2001. Download
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